Monday, April 9, 2012

Fanning the Flames of Racism Part 2: The Race War Is On

It all started with the Travon Martin/Zimmerman episode in Sanford, Fla.  Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson  raced to Florida in a bid to whip up the masses in a black lynch mob frenzy. The New Black Panters Party offered a million dollar bounty on Zimmerman's head.

Now it has escalated into a full scale race war. Several black teenagers  aged 11 to 17 beat a 73 year old man walking home from buying pork loins for his dog. They kicked and beat him saying, "This is for Trayvon." Then in Oklahoma someone spray painted "Long Live Zimmerman" on a black studies culture center. Following that two men , one 19  and the other 32 went on a shooting rampage in the African-American neighborhood killing three people. They have been apprehended and are being held on 9.2 million dollar bond each.

Back in Sanford, Fla. where this all started, the neo-nazi party is patrolling the streets not to cause violence, but to protect the citizens from violence" they say.

Last week a young black man entered a home of an elderly couple, he 90 and she 85 and in an attempt to rob them, beat the man and raped his wife who died. And the summer hasn't even started yet.


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