Friday, April 6, 2012

Fanning The Flames of Racism: Black Leaders and Liberal Media

           Al Sharpton    Spike

Everytime I hear a black person say blacks can't be racists because they're the ones being oppressed it galls me to no end. Any race can have its' share of racists and Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Spike Lee are three of the biggest black racists there are.

Recently in the Trayvon Martin case the media and black leaders were awfully quick to rush to judgement saying George Zimmerman was guilty of killing Trayvon. Right away Al Sharpton with Jesse Jackson at his side rushed to Florida to whip up the masses in a lynch mob frenzy. Sharpton with his "No Justice, no peace " rhetoric before the angry multitudes and Jackson with telling his followers to go to the polls wearing hoodies. Spike Lee wrongfully tweeted  Zimmerman's parents home address causing an elderly couple much  harassment and causing them to move out before he apologized. He should be indicted for what he did. Any other person would be jailed for harasment  on that grand a scale. The Black Panthers of Florida put out a million dollar dead or alive bounty on George Zimmerman. All this before any of the facts are known.

The liberal media was quick to join in the guilty fray by editing the 911 call to make it look like Zimmerman was a racist. The only people I see saying to check everything out first are Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin. When the media played the 911 tape of Zimmerman it shows him saying Trayvon "appears black" making Zimmerman look like a racist. When Sean Hannity played the complete tape it showed the 911 operator asking Zimmerman if  the suspect was white, hispanic or black and Zimmerman replied, "He appears to be black." The media then recanted their original story.

In  his interview with police Zimmerman said he was approached by Martin who is 6'3" to Zimmernan's 5'8" and punched him in the nose and knocked him down beating his head against the sidewalk.The media released the tape of the police taking  Zimmerman into custody and said it showed no marks on his head. Sean Hannity showed an enhanced version of the video and it indeed showed a huge gash on Zimmerman's head. The media again recanted their story. A witness came forth who called the police and said he saw Martin on top of Zimmerman banging his head against the pavement when Zimmerman shot  him. The media then tried to say Zimmerman uttered a racial slur when he called 911 referring to Martin as a "coon". When they enhanced the tape several times it showed Zimmerman saying it was "cold".

Even Obama joined the fray and  fanned the flames saying if he had a son he would look likeTrayvon. He's dividing the country once again using black against white, rich against poor and men against women to distract from his agenda because he knows he can't run on his record and the media is just as complicit with him.

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