Sunday, July 31, 2011

Random Thoughts

I noticed on today's Drudge Report that there are various opinions on the budget crisis. Moody's claims nobody's plan will work saying it won't change the drop in our triple AAA rating, but that the nation will only default if the government misses an interest or principle payment not on other obligations like employee benefits and social security payments. This also gives credence to the republicans argument that there is enough cash to avoid default until after the Aug. 2nd deadline. These are all scare tactics by Obama and his minions for re-election next year. Obama says he is losing sleep over this. Ordinarily I'd feel sorry for someone in this position, but in his case I say he deserves it. A large part of this is his doing, his spending. He's spent more than all the presidents combined. He's spent like a maniac on steroids while Bush just spent like a drunken sailor. It's Obama's debt now, his economy, he owns it, so he can't blame Bush anymore.

Balanced budget amendment still alive...
MOODY'S: Nobody's plan will work........

Dick Morris says the Dems will win the debate, but republicans will win the election. Good. It can't come soon enough fo me. DEMS WILL WIN DEBT DEBATE; REPUBS WILL WIN ELECTION
Published on on July 30, 2011

What' s with all these people killing kids all of a sudden? First we had Casey Anthony ,then this perverted pedophile in New York who lured this ten year old jewish boy to him drugged him up and killed him and chopped him up when the investigation got close to him and now this ten year old girl whose aunt and cousins beat her and abused her constantly and then punished her when she took a popsicle from a refrigerator and locked her in a trunk with a padlock until she suffocated and died. Authorities said she had bruises all over her and she lived in a house with 14 others. The aunt and cousins looked like evil incarnate. As radio talk show host Bob Grant says, "It's sick out here and getting sicker."

Recently a young 20 year old boy died from a heart attack after a marathon session with his x-box. He was playing for 12 hours straight his father said. So where are the parents telling this kid to stop? He complained of a slow heartbeat at a job center where he collapsed. These games are deadly officials warn when played for many hours straight without taking a break. They said sitting for so long causes the heart to slow down and puts pressure on the blood vessels. They interact with kids all over the world. A Korean boy died after playing three days without stopping. My question is where are the parents when this is going on? Three days without a break????. I've seen kids come in my store coming in with their parents playing these games on hand held computers and keep playing while trying on clothes. This technology is fascinating on one side, but has a darkside too.Xbox addict 'dies from blood clot'... ..
I see the town of Tacoma Washington has a development for welfare recipients that includes houses that are better than most homes we have. They pay no taxes, no maintainence fees, no mortgages and have free schools and hospitals and they all receive $2,100 a month in social security payments. No wonder we are going broke. It costs us, the taxpayers over 200 million dollars. I think I'll quit my job, go on welfare and move to Tacoma. Care to join me? :D

Monday, July 25, 2011

Wildwood,N.J.,Down At the Shore Everythng's Alright

The title is from Bruce Springsteen's song Jersey Girl which is one of my favorites where he sings about taking his girl down to the Jersey shore. For those of you not familiar with the Jersey shore other than Snookie, Pauley D and The Situation, New Jersey has 130 miles of beaches of which Wildwood is the best. It bills itself as the widest, safest, cleanest beach on the east coast and one of the top ten beaches in the world. All of which is true.

I've been going to Wildwood on and off for most of my young adult and adult life. First with my parents, then with girls I was dating and now with my wife over the past 20 years. It is truly the widest beach anywhere being the length of two football fields laying end to end. Crossing there to get to the ocean is like crossing the Sahara Desert. The town is constantly upgrading and changing and they have since added walkways down the beach to make it easier lugging your carts and walking to the ocean part. If you are elderly or disabled or just don't care to walk the distance, they have recently instituted a passsenger service where if you call ahead they will send a Rover over to your hotel and drive you to where you want to go and pick you up when you are ready to leave. They also have lifeguards spaced evenly apart constantly on patrol from early morning to about 6 p.m. at night.

Wildwood is also known for it's two mile long boardwalk featuring shops selling t-shirts with practically anything you can imagine on them, beach wear, pizza parlors and ice cream stands and games of chance and three piers featuring more rides than Disneyworld and giant waterparks. A staple on the boardwalk is the infamous tramcars carrying you from one end of the boardwalk to the other. Everyone knows the famous horn that says "Watch the tramcar please." :D
A new additon on the boardwalk is a replica of a giant ghost ship. You walk thru it and various actors dressed as zombies try to scare you along the way. A sign outside says the actors will not touch you and don't you touch them. I didn't go in it because I don't like things that jump out at you in the dark, so I am including a link below about it you can check out for yourself. :)

Wildwood used to be known as a doo-wop town (doo-wop being a group of guys and gals on street corners harmonizing without instruments that started in nearby Philadelphia in the 50's and worked it's way to Wildwood) and featured many hotels done in tacky decore using plastic palm trees, dolphins and pastel colors that gave Wildwood it's charm and uniqueness, but alas time has a way of changing things and many of the old motels have been replaced by new ones and many new condos. There are literally hundreds upon hundreds of motels along Atlantic and Ocean avenues, some practically on top of others. Many of the old ones such as The Jolly Roger where my wife and I stay are still there and kept up extremely well and comfortable and there is a doo-wop ice cream parlor with many 50's memorabila and posters and The Pink Cadillac Diner( formerly Big Ernie's ) is still there also done up in neon lights and old 45 rpm records adorning the walls. There is also many minature golf courses that everyone plays and Hereford Lighthouse with its' beautiful well maintained gardens with gorgeous butterflies flying around adorning them.

Another nice addition recently instituted is in a park directly behind our motel with lovely flower decorations, benches and walkways. They've erected an open, attractive stage where they hold musical performances for a few hours on certain nights. You can lie on blankets underneath the stars or walk around and sit on benches as you listen to music by performers doing Frank Sinatra, The Eagles, Bruce Springsteen and others on a warm summer night with the ocean breeze flowing thru you.

Yes as Bruce sings,"Down at the shore everything's alright."

Please enjoy these links on Wildwood:


YouTube - Wildwood NJ 2008

YouTube - Wildwood Boardwalk talk - the log flume edition This is a really great one. The kid and his sister on the log flume ride I've been on many times.He does an excellent job describing it and is funny too.

YouTube - Jersey Girl Bruce singing featuring pics of him and his wife Patty who is a Jersey girl

?THE NEW GHOST SHIP at Morey's Piers & Beachfront Waterparks?? - YouTube

Sunday, July 24, 2011

My Reply to a Left Wing Letter to the Editor in Wildwood,N.J.

I've just returned from a nice vacation in the ever growing shore town of Wildwood, N.J. Whenever I go to these shore towns we always enjoy picking up the free newspapers of shore news found in the lobbys of various hotels and eateries. These periodicals tell of local shore events and news in the area, have coupons for discounts at various events and restaurants and make for enjoyable reading. One paper I picked up had a particular interesting letter to the editor I wanted to reply to but couldn't while I was there as I had no computer, pen or paper or envelopes to send it so I am replying here in the hopes this guy may see it and I could hear back from him. I am putting his words in the purple italics and my reply in the black letters. His name is Wiliam Murphy from Cape May, N.J. He claims to "correct the trash put forth by right wing opponents."

Reagan (he spelled Reagan's name wrong using an 'e' instead of an 'a' at the end of his name) lowered taxes and doubled revenues. Wrong. revenues went from 1.4 trillion to 1.7 trillion, not exactly doubling. Problem with the right is lack of education, thus basic math deficiencies.

Mr.Murphy, maybe it wasn't doubled as you say, but at least they went up unlike your current one in office who increased our debt in three years to more than Bush did in eight and where our debt now equals our economy. Reagan lowered taxes from 33% to 17% and everyone did better under him , even the poor, because you had the greatest contributions to charity than ever before. Your Obama talks about raising taxes and now unemployment is up to 9.2 % and climbing. Don't talk to me about lack of education and math deficiencies.

The right leadership knows how to motivate neanderthals, thus establish talking points, arm the followers and put them out to the dance floor.

Mr.Murphy, I think you had better recheck your research and change it to "the left leadership knows how to motivate neanderthals and arm the followers with talking points." Obama and the lamestream media are good at that and perfect examples.

Everyone knows and has seen Bush on the aircraft carrier saying :"combat missions are over." No documantation needed. Bush and Cheny are war criminals(here we go again with the tired left war criminal rheoric)-Geneva Accord violation. Now there are warrants out for their arrest. You will not see these guys traveling to Europe anytime soon.

Mr. Murphy, you are obviously suffering from the malady known as Bush derangement syndrome, an airborn media phenomena spread by casual propaganda contact of which there is no know cure except to see the light and wake up and come over to our side. Your president Obama suffers from this malady too, constantly blaming Bush for his problems. The sign on the aircraft carrier said "Mission Accomplished" and referred to us wreaking shock and awe on Iraq after Saddam refused to leave and accept Libya's invitation to live there in exile. Also to see Iraqis hold a democratic election (remember all the purple fingers?) and see a newly elected government create and ratify a new constitution. We did all that. As far as Bush and Cheney ignoring the Geneva Convention, this is a purview of the world court which Bush refused to give any legitimacy to. If you are referring to us torturing prisoners then think again. By water boarding KSM we learned of connections that led us to where Osama was hiding thus killing him. An act your president took credit for after dithering and refusing to go there for 15 hours. You lefties think that being nice to them, they'll be nice to us. How naieve!!!Nonsense Mr. Murphy. They (terrorists) don't care if you're liberal or conservative ,they just want to kill Americans, including YOU Mr.Murphy.

On Dec.17, 2010, a poll o f 616 voters entitled "Fox news viewers to be misinformned on key issues." The right will not believe even the strongest documentation. They have their talking points and don't know how to deviate or debate properly. One cannot oppose the talking points of the right. It's always fanny and Freddy, not Wall Street or banking regulations. They are totally dishonest.

Only 616 people polled? Gee that's an awful small amount. The trouble with polls is that they can be skewed anyway you want. Again like I stated above Mr.Murphy, check your research to see who you are talking about. You sound like you are referring to the left instead of the right when you talk about not knowing how to debate. Whenever I see the Sunday morning shows, they have one conservative and three liberals and they call it balance. Whenever I see a liberal and conservative debating, it's always the liberal shouting down the conservative and not giving them a chance to speak. It's with the left who have the talking points. If you listen to enough of their shows you hear the same lines repeated over and over. Chris Mathews has a tingle going up and down his leg everytime he hears Obama's name he said. Not toooo biased is he? As far as not talking about Banking regulations or the Wall Street Journal, John Fund who is an economic writer for the Wall Street Journal appears on a lot of TV shows on FOX and on radio. I've also heard numerous discussions on banking regulations on FOX.

The left wants to destroy FOX News because they show you the other side of things the left doesn't weant you to hear. ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN and MSNBC are all left wing and partisan. Fox came about because people were clamouring for another side. FOX shows you things the other stations and print media don't want you to hear or see. Now Iask you, who's totally dishonest Mr.Murphy, hmmmmmm?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Do We Really Need a Caylee's Law?

A child activist known as Michelle Crowder is suggesting the need for a Caylee's Law where a parent must notify a child missing within 24 hours. She already has an online petition with over 70,000 names. I found an interesting online article that says passing a law out of pure emotion rarely gets passed and is a bad idea and can harm innocent people as well. Needless to sayi t was followed by a myriad of interesting comments which I am also posting here and one particularly interesting one about Crowder herself. The article is long so I am just posting the important highlites. The comments follow in italics.

Here the article:

Within minutes of the Casey Anthony verdict, much of America devolved into the mass media equivalent of a mob bearing torches and pitchforks. Twitter lit up with calls for vigilante justice, and proposals that we revoke the Fifth Amendment's protection against double jeopardy (or at least that we revoke it for Casey Anthony). Nancy Grace nearly spit fire, proclaiming, "The devil is dancing tonight." Conservative syndicated columnist Ben Shapiro wants to change the jury system entirely.

Even as DNA testing continues to exonerate wrongly convicted people, including people who were nearly executed, it's this rare case -- in which a jury recognized that there was no physical evidence linking Anthony to her daughter's murder -- that has America questioning its justice system.

This is a bad way to make public policy. In an interview with CNN, Crowder concedes that she didn't consult with a single law enforcement official before coming up with her 24-hour and 1-hour limits. This raises some questions. How did she come up with those cutoffs? Did she consult with any grief counselors to see if there may be innocuous reasons why an innocent person who just witnessed a child's death might not immediately report it, such as shock, passing out, or some other sort of mental breakdown? Did she consult with a forensic pathologist to see if it's even possible to pin down the time of death with the sort of precision you'd need to make Caylee's Law enforceable? Have any of the lawmakers who have proposed or are planning to propose this law actually consulted with anyone with some knowledge of these issues?

If medical science can't pinpoint the time of the child's death to the minute, how else are authorities going to determine it? They can't ask the parent. A guilty person isn't going to give you an honest answer, and even an innocent parent may lie if they fear the truth could land them in prison. It also seems safe to assume that a parent's first instinct upon witnessing the death of a child isn't to look up at the clock to take note of an official time of death.

Certainly it's easy to distinguish a body that's been dead for less than hour from one that has been dead for six or seven. Presumably, Crowder and the lawmakers supporting this bill put the cutoff at one hour to prevent someone who intentionally or accidentally kills a child from having time to cover up what happened. But if that's the justification, it's all the more important that a forensic pathologist be able to nail down the time of death to the minute. And that just isn't possible.

The portion of the bill that requires a parent to report a missing child within 24 hours is just as fraught with problems. When does that clock start? From the time the child actually gets abducted, gets lost, or is somehow killed, or at the time the parents noticed the child was missing? How do you pinpoint the time that they "noticed"? When teenager Rosie Larsen is abducted and murdered in the new AMC drama The Killing, it takes two days for her parents to notice she's missing. They thought she was spending the night at a friend's house, and she and her friends often rotated sleeping over at one another's homes on the weekends. The Killing is fiction, but this isn't an implausible scenario. Again, are we really so angry about the Casey Anthony verdict that we're prepared to charge grieving parents with a felony because it takes them longer than some arbitrary deadline to notice their child is missing?

The law and the attention it attracts could also cause problems of overcompliance. How many parents will notify the authorities with false reports within an hour or two, out of fear of becoming suspects? How many such calls and wasted police resources on false alarms will it take before police grow jaded and begin taking note of missing child reports, but don't bother investigating them until much later? How many legitimate abductions will then go uninvestigated during the critical first few hours because they were lost in the pile of false reports inspired by Caylee's Law?

The law will have at least one effect that Crowder and her supporters intend. Crowder's petition letter expresses her hope that once the law is passed, "no more innocent children will have to go without justice." And she's right. Caylee's Law provides another way for prosecutors to convict a suspected parent or guardian of something, even if they don't have the evidence to prove the actual murder. Florida state Rep. Scott Plakon, sponsor of the bill in his state, told the AP, "God forbid we ever run into a mother like Casey Anthony again. If we do, that mother will be a felon." I suspect this is why so many people have signed Crowder's petition. This is about vengeance. They're angry at this verdict.

That anger is understandable. But anger is a bad reason to make public policy. New laws, especially laws with serious criminal sanctions, demand careful consideration: Will the law actually address the problem it is intended to address? Is it enforceable? What are some possible unintended consequences of this law? Could it be abused by police and prosecutors?

In a country of 308 million people, bad things are going to happen. We already have laws against murder, child abuse, and child neglect. When you pass laws that make it easier to imprison people in cases where the state doesn't have enough evidence to prove the crime everyone knows they're actually prosecuting, you undermine the integrity of the justice system. The "flaw" that led to the Casey Anthony verdict is pretty straightforward: The state failed to prove its case. And the government must prove its case, even when all of America is 100 percent certain of the defendant's guilt, because we want to be sure the state will always also have to prove its case when we aren't so certain.

Of course, there's another reason we go through the formality of a trial before throwing someone in prison, even in "slam-dunk" cases like this one. Sometimes, even when Nancy Grace herself is completely sure that the bastards are guilty, we later discover that she was wrong.

Here are the interesting responses:

"The reason for this mass idiocy of raving for the head of Casey Anthony is not that we Americans are bad people. Not even the ones with pitch forks and torches.

No, the culprit here is the one who always stays hidden when something goes up in flames: the ones who CREATED the mob."

"Casey Anthony had a much fairer jury than trial. She was convicted of murder weeks before anyone ever presented any evidence. The proscecuti­on riled up the whole nation to this girl who they said killed her child without ever having evidence, let alone the forum to present it.

I am stationed in Germany and I will tell You something that should make Americans spitting hate into the air and making a case in the so calles court of public opinion shrivel in shame. Germany has a law - and other nations have it too - that makes it illegal for anyone to incite unrest and violence. The reason for that law is obvious: The Nazis used that tactic to excess to make Germans act our of hatred against their fellow man. To prevent that from happening again they adapted a law from other nations that makes it illegal to incite unrest or publish hate speech."

"The jury did the right thing. The raving lunatics who have no idea what happened but want to kill someone anyway do not. "

"The idea behind this "Caylee Law" is what happens when emotions overcome reasoning. Yes, bad things happen in this society. Yes, sometimes those who probably did those bad things don't get punished. That's going to happen. No legal system is perfect and ours is no exception but trying little fixes here and there can just as often be a bad thing as a good thing. Emotion based decisions are not made with regard to possible consequenc­es as this idea shows quite clearly. It's all about trying to avenge that which you can't avenge.

You are never going to get a guilty conviction for Cassey Anthony unless she kills her next child too. Making the legal system worse won't bring Caylee back to life. It just makes things worse. "

"I think what upset people most was that she got off on EVERY count involving her daughter. Manslaught­er. Abuse. Neglect. Not guilty ".

"Neglect? Really? They couldn't logically conclude that a woman who failed to report her child missing (remember, her parents did that for her 31 days later) and instead went on a party circuit was somehow neglectful­? Oh, but she claimed there was this baby sitter. Yes...the phantom baby sitter? And what parent, but a neglectful one, leaves their child with a baby sitter for weeks on end without checking in at least a half dozen times per day? So either way she wants to argue it, she was neglectful­. And parents are charged and convicted all of the time for allowing their young child to wander out into the yard unsupervis­ed to drown in the family swimming pool. So if you want to defend her with THAT argument, I've already refuted it for you. THIS is why there needs to be a law requiring parents to notify."

"why is it that anyone who writes about "those"who barely escape the death penalty or who were found innocent after being execute, or freed after spending 20-30 years in prison. they NEVER mention that THOSE PEOPLE are nearly 100% MALE, and that those people, like anthony, are nearly 1005 FEMALE. there was less evidence in the scot peterson case in california­, and he's now on DEATH ROW.

yet we already have jurors and others calling cold-blood­ed casey a "victim." its such a justice process we have in place in this country.

women get away with ANYTHING and EVERYTHING and MEN are routinely imrisoned for ANYTHING and EVERYTHING­.

So, Radley Balko, get your facts straight; just as you accuse those enraged by this serial fallacy of justice to do, involving yet ANOTHER murderous women let off by a jury, who now find HER to be a victim.

"THOSE PEOPLE" you speak of have a gender, RADLEY; it is nearly universall­y called MALE! "

"Yes if Casey's name was Cedric Anthony,the outcome would be different."

"This proposal is typical knee-jerk reaction we see far too often in this country. We DO NOT need more laws! "

And finally this comment :

"This is pretty good coming from a woman who doesn't even know where her own kids are."

I tried looking up Michelle Crowder, but couldn't find anything about her kids.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Obam vs.Republicans on Budget Cuts and Taxes

In an article today on AOL under the Huffington Post it states that the republicans have refused an offer by Obama with his offer to raise taxes and puting medicare, medicade and social security cuts on the table. I for one am glad they did.:

"Obama had proposed to Republicans a "grand bargain" that accomplished a host of individual things that are unpopular on their own, but that just might pass as a huge package jammed through Congress with default looming. Obama offered to put Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid cuts on the table in exchange for a tax hike of roughly $100 billion per year over 10 years. Meanwhile, government spending would be cut by roughly three times that amount. It's no small irony that the party's dogmatic opposition to tax increases is costing the GOP its best opportunity to roll back social programs it has long targeted.

Republicans are now banking on a smaller deficit reduction deal that would still make major cuts, somewhere in the range of $2 trillion. "

But an article in the Washington Post paints adiffernet picture saying:

"Only about $80 billion would be cut from Medicare, Medicaid and other federal health programs, and nothing from Social Security. But even without touching those programs, the plan would stabilize borrowing by 2014 and begin pushing the national debt down as a share of the economy.

Republicans dismissed the Democratic blueprint, saying higher taxes would be devastating to an economy already weighed down by a 9.2 percent unemployment rate. In their spending plan, House Republicans proposed to save $4 trillion entirely through spending cuts; they would also eliminate Medicare as an open-ended entitlement after 2021.

“If they’re calling for $2 trillion in tax hikes in the middle of a jobs crisis, it’s little wonder that it’s been 800 days since Senate Democrats passed a budget,” said McConnell spokesman Don Stewart."

I say hands off medicare and social security all together. There is plenty of wasteful spending to do away with than touching these programs and why must tax hikes always be involved when it comes to dems? I think it must be in their DNA. Reagan reduced the marginal tax rates from 33% to 17% and everyone did better even the poor as you had the highest donations to charity ever and they didn't need government handouts. If dems only realized lowering taxes is all you need to stimulate the economy we'd all get along in a bipartisan way instead of all this bickering and each blaming the other party. They keep saying "tax the rich" like it's a mantra. The rich aren't all like Ted Kennedy who just had to grow up (and some say he never did that) or as Dick Gephardt once termed them, "The winners of life's lottery."

If you google the rich you'll find that a rich person is someone who worked years to get where they are,working 12 or more hours a day six and seven days a week and not taking vacations. Many work two jobs. Why should someone who works so hard be taxed so much, especially when 50% of the country doesn't pay any taxes.

The libs love going after talk show hosts like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity because they make so much, but these people earned their riches. Rush was fired many times in his early career and bounced around the country being a DJ and working for the Kansas City Royals baseball team until he finally landed his current gig 20 years ago and even then he was working constantly on his radio show, TV show and newsletter.

Sean Hannity worked as a waiter, construction worker, installing floors, washing cars and taking seven years to finish college because he had to keep dropping out to make money to pay for another semester and he also worked while attending college many times sleeping on floors of friends' apt.because he didn't have enough to pay rent for his own apt. He too bounced around the country being fired from several jobs until he finally landed in New York and that took a while doing the all night shift. Yes these people and many actors and athletes work hard to get their pay and people are quick to pounce on them saying 'tax them." So I say lower the tax rates like Regan did and watch the economy grow. Obama keeps saying he inherited this problem. I say BS on that. He's been in three years now and added almost five trillion in new spending to the debt more than any other president put together so just cut 4 trillion and don't raise taxes. We're Taxed Enough Already!!!!!! (TEA) Party.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Casey Anthony Verdict Pt.2

The more I read and hear all these pundants on TV and in the newspapers and online bemoaning the fact that Casey Anthony was found not guilty, the more I believe that maybe she didn't kill her daughter after all. There was no hard core evidence, no fingerprints, no DNA, no witnessess and everything else was circumstantial. I agree with Ann Coulter's new book title about liberalism being mob rule. That it is so true and in this case a lynch mob.

I also agree with Rush Limbaugh's statement in my previous blog where he said, "Since when is the media so concerned about the death of a two year old. If Casey had an abortion two years ago she would have been declared a hero." It wouldn't surprise me one bit that these same people who are going after Casey are the same ones that were chastising Sarah Palin for giving birth to her son Trig instead of aborting him because he had down's syndrome.

Just because she was out partying for 30 days, doesn't mean she was guilty. People have different ways of letting off steam and overcoming grief. And what about Caylee's father in all of this? Who is he and where is he? Did he have something to do with this like killing Caylee and then threatening Casey with death if she said anything? Maybe Caylee did drown in the swimming pool when the nanny wasn't looking and they decided to cover it up, but then why the duct tape across the mouth? We don't know how she died or when. What about the boyfriend who didn't like Caylee staying over? Hmmm? All these things must be dealt with and weren't in the trial. One of the jurors said today that they had no real evidence to convict and all the pictures and videos they saw showed Casey to be a doting mother and smiling with Caylee all the time. Yes there is more to this than meets the eye and Casey was tried and convicted in the media.

Now all the ghouls are coming out to make money off of her. Meter Reader Roy Kronk who found Casey's body gave interviews to ABC on "Good Morning America," "World News Tonite," "20/20" and "Nightline." ABC also shelled out $50,000 dollars to Kronk for a picture of a dead rattlesnake found on the Anthony property as an excuse to score an interview. Casey's mom says she was paid for an interview with "48 Hours Mystery." A porno studio offered Casey big bucks to appear in adult films, but withdrew after it's name got in the papers. There is also a talk of Casey doing a reality show and book deal and appearing on a sympathetic show like Oprah.

Yes someone did the deed and killed Caylee, but let's not hang her just yet before we find out who!! Even OJ was convicted in a civil trial after they found photographs of his shoeprints in the blood which matched his size and only 30 pairs were made in the country.

As one letter to the editor in the NY Post so aptly said, "Now that the main stream media has been proven wrong twice in one week, saying Stauss Khan and Casey Anthony would both be found guilty, since it's been said things come in three's I hope that the MSM's assertion that Barack Obama cannot be beaten by a candidate from the GOP field, will make them zero for threee." :D

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Casey Anthony Verdict

Well the Casey Anthony verdict has certainly caused a swelling of controversey. Many people were so convinced of her culpability and guilt by mere circumstantial evidence that they are cying tears when she was found not guilty. I'm glad I'm not on trial with these people and TV commentators who rush to judgement as the jury.

I though the most rediculous reaction was of the women on a show called The Talk ( a ripoff of The View) where the main host was so upset she couldn't read the verdict and thru tears asked one of her co-hosts to help her out and the co-host had trouble reading the verdict. Oh Brother!!!! Gimme a break. I saw one comment after an article about the verdict that said, "to all you liberals out there, just think of this as a really really late term abortion." "Ewwww," I thought to myself. That is cruel, but today Rush Limbaugh hit on something that makese sense. He said since when is the mainstream media so concerned about the death of an innocent child? If this woman had an abortion three years ago she would be declared a hero among all these women and media." Even Rush's screener Bo Snerdley, winced at that, but when you think about it, he is right.

In any case there was a lack of hard evidence to convict beyond a reasonable doubt and conflicting lies by Casey and her parents. There was no fingerprints, no DNA, no witnesses. There was no evidence of how she died, when she died and who put the body in the swamp. Judge Janine Pierro on Sean Hannity's show was furious and brought out about the bags being found in Casey's car and her hair being found there and the smell of death in the trunk by the police dogs. Sean pointed out that the car was a family car and they all used it and the hair could be from anytime since it was a single hair and the smell didn't match the timeline the defense pointed out. Plus the prosecution was so overzealous in pointing out that Caasey could get the death penalty that in the jurors minds they thought if they found this woman guilty they could be sending her to her death on circumstantial evidence. And what about her boyfriend who didn't like Caylee staying overnight? And who is the father in all this and where is he? And why did the grandfather tell his mistress that it was a horrible accident? Maybe Caylee did drown in the pool like the defense maintains.Why would they wait 31 days before reporting the child missing?

Geraldo Rivera also brought up a good point saying that Casey was offered to take a lesser charge of involuntary manslaughter and she refused. Why would she put her own life in jeopardy that way?

As I was having lunch with a friend of mine, he brought up an interesting point. He figured that the father or boyfriend may have killed her and threatend Casey with her life if she said anything which is why she didn't want to take the stand or plead a lesser charge. In any event I agree with Sean Hannity in that something horrible happened to this little girl and they all know what